What is VOICE?

VOICE is BGCML’s Virtual Online Interactive Club Experience. VOICE Programs will be run using Zoom, a video meeting platform. 

Where can I access VOICE?

You can access VOICE on our website at www.bgclubmuskegon.com/VOICE

What age ranges does VOICE serve?

VOICE serves ages 6 years old to 22 years old, just like BGCML’s traditional Club Sites. Also like at our Club sites, programs are broken down by age/grade to provide age appropriate and engaging programming. 

  • Creative Magentas 

    • Recommended ages 6-8 or grades K-2

  • Energetic Oranges

    • Recommended ages 9-11 or  grades 3-5

  • Theatrical Greys 

    • Recommended ages 12-14 or grades 6-8

  • Ambitious Blues 

    • Recommended ages 15-16 or grades 9-10

  • Leadership Yellows 

    • Recommended ages 17+ or grades 11+

What will my kid be doing on VOICE?

Youth will be interacting with peers and mentors while exploring areas of STEM, Art, Character & Leadership, Physical Activity, Field Trips and MORE! To view a full schedule visit www.bgclubmuskegon.com/VOICE

Who will my youth be interacting with on VOICE?

Your child can plan to see familiar faces! Our site staff will be co-hosting each VOICE lesson. Your youth will be interacting with students from around Muskegon, all in their similar age range. 

How is the VOICE being monitored? 

VOICE will be monitored by a minimum of 2 BGCML staff members at all times. These include our site directors, youth development professionals, membership coordinators, program coordinators, and administration. 

Is my child safe when using VOICE?

YES! Safety of your child is our number one concern. Youth are being monitored by staff the entire time they are in a program.

What does my child need to participate in VOICE?

Your child needs access to zoom.us . They can access this with internet access and a mobile phone, computer, or tablet. If you do not have internet access please contact info@bgclubmuskegon.com and we can guide you through ways to get internet (free during COVID-19 shutdown). 

Zoom FAQ’s

How do I join a Zoom meeting?

  • You can join a meeting by clicking the meeting link that is provided on the VOICE calendar

  • You can choose to use the ‘desktop’ version or the App

    • Android Google Play Store search Zoom Cloud Meetings

    • Apple Store search Zoom Cloud Meetings

How do I join computer/device audio?

On most devices, you can join computer/device audio by clicking Join Audio, Join with Computer Audio, or Audio to access the audio settings. 

How do I use the chat feature?

The in-meeting chat allows you to send chat messages to other users within a meeting. You can send messages to the hosts, or to the group as a whole. All chat conversations will be saved 

Can I Use Bluetooth Headset?

Yes, as long as the Bluetooth device is compatible with the computer or mobile device that you are using.

Do I have to have a webcam to join on Zoom?

While you are not required to have a webcam to join a Zoom Meeting or Webinar, you will not be able to transmit video of yourself. You will continue to be able to listen and speak during the meeting, and view the webcam video of other participants.